Everything from the number of people we’re standing near to the colors that we’re wearing. Take a look and see the small changes you can make to become a hotter property!
Be Funny
Not everyone is capable of being funny at the drop of a hat, but you
don’t need to be a stand-up comedian to make a stranger or new
acquaintance laugh. Relax, be yourself, and work to shake off any
serious or intense vibes you might be giving off without even realizing
Surround Yourself With Friends
Surround Yourself With Friends
This would be good advice even if there wasn’t science behind it, if
only because it’s often WAY easier to approach someone when you’re in a
group. The pressure’s off a little bit, and if you happen to look
better as a part of a group, that’s pretty great, too! People look better when they're in a group. That's possibly because our brains take the faces of a group of people in aggregate, making each face look more "average"- and attractive - as a result.
Skip The Small Talk
Skip The Small Talk
This is also welcome, and probably easy advice, to stick to. While
some people find small talk pleasant, respondents in one study found it
to be superficial and schmooze, opting for deeper, more probing
questions. People who asked deeper questions felt more connected than people who talked about superficial topics.
Be a Leader
Be a Leader
OK, so you can’t just “become” a leader, but you sure can act like
one. Taking control of situations (without being bossy) shows that you
have confidence, the ability to manage, plan, and execute.
Who doesn’t admire those qualities? One study found that people in a group thought their leader was more attractive than people who weren't in that group.
Smile More
Smile More
Many women have been completely and totally creeped out by requests
from strangers to “smile,” but there is something about a smile that
endears a person to you. You seem warm and approachable with a smile.
But above all, you seem happy, and such a display will make others want
to bask in your happiness. And the bigger the smile, the more attractive
you look! In fact, a happy facial expression may compensate for relative unattractiveness.
Own a Dog
Own a Dog
Duh. We really didn’t need a study to tell us this, but it’s nice to
know the science is behind us nonetheless. For men, owning a dog shows
that they’re nurturing and more capable of being “family men.” It can also help you appear more relaxed, approachable, and happy.
Be Nice
Be Nice
Again, science is supporting something that most of us would have
assumed anyway. Niceness is associated with positivity, and a Chinese
study author concluded, “Personality characteristics may be linked to
facial attractiveness, such that positive personality characteristics
can promote facial attractiveness, whereas negative personality
characteristics can reduce facial attractiveness.”
Live In a High - Status Place
Live In a High - Status Place
Live in a really nice place. Beyond the superficial attraction to
rich people, women are subconsciously drawn to men with a luxurious
apartment or house. It may be traced back to a desire to pair up with a
person who is capable of providing.
Play Good Music
Play Good Music
The study in question actually asked women to rate the composers of
complex and simple music, not the listeners, but the idea still holds
up. The study doesn’t necessarily get into WHY people would pick complex
tunes over simple ones, but maybe just go with it and opt for Arcade
Fire or Radiohead over the Ramones or Katy Perry.
Date Someone Pleasant
Date Someone Pleasant
If you’re in an existing relationship with someone nice and kind,
it’s not hard to imagine why others would look at you as desirable.
Essentially, you’ve been pre-screened by a good person. So I guess if
you’re looking to date someone new and have an unpleasant significant
other, hide them. Or, you know, do the honest thing and break up with
Cultivate Mindfulness
Cultivate Mindfulness
Again, it’s pretty intuitive, but when you’re interacting with
someone, PAY ATTENTION to them to appear more attractive. Somewhat
surprisingly, mindful people might seem more attractive to others
because, according to a study, they are better at managing their
anxiety. In a speed-dating experiment, women were more attracted to mindful men, possibly because the men were more attentive during the brief interactions.
Play Extreme Sports (Carefully)
Play Extreme Sports (Carefully)
Show you like to take risks. Order the weird entree. Sneak into a
movie theater. Taking chances on things known as “hunter-gatherer” risks
appeals to women. Deciding not to charge your cell phone is known as a
“modern risk,” and those aren’t nearly as appealing to women. Probably
because they’re lame.
Wear Red
Wear Red
This might be the easiest thing on the list to do. Of course, you
can’t just go running around in a red bed sheet and expect the suitors
to come callin’, but if you have a choice in a dress or outfit, opt for
the red one. Red is more sexually suggestive, and as we all know, that
kind of thing works.
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